Of the big 4 Liberal candidates, Rae has the makings of the best PM. He is witty, quick on his feet, a very good retail politician, fluently bilingual, a good debater, an experienced politician and a good speaker. Ignatieff also has the makings of a good PM. He is intellectually honest, a good speaker, fluidly bilingual and had the best environmental policy of the bunch. Dion, on the other hand, was all at once the safest candidate and the anti establishment candidate. For those two reasons I was not entirely disappointed that Dion won. I am glad the Liberal party base poked the brass in the eye and I had believed, against my better judgment it seems, that Dion could carry the Liberals to minority government win.
Dion has proved to be a one trick pony and not a very impressive one at that. Many Liberal bloggers have claimed that the Tory ads did not work, but polls suggest that Canadians do not trust the Liberals environmental stewardship. The Liberals have been badly outmaneuvered on the file and have offered nothing to fill the hunger for broadly progressive agenda. Harper is slowly neutralizing the environment as an issue and has begun focusing the public debate on issues that he, rightly, feels that will favor the Conservatives, viz., tax cuts and law and order issues. If that is not bad enough, Dion’s English is so labored and his accent so strong that it is impossible seeing him fairing well in an English language debate. If this trend continues, then a Conservative majority is distinct possibility.
The Liberals need to do more than simply attacking the Conservatives; they need to focus the public debate on issues that will paint the Conservatives in a bad light and that can only be accomplished by pushing a large number of hot button issues, e.g., prostitution, drugs, euthanasia, stem cell research, and not just the environment. I have touched on the topic here. http://themaplethree.blogspot.com/2007/01/reality-has-to-have-well-known-liberal.html
I'm sorry but this calls for it. You know what, you get an F!
So what are you suggesting exactly? Maybe the Liberals could have another leadership race, huh?
Oh, wait, already did that and we have a leader - an intelligent and caring leader. Besides, there's an election brewing if you haven't noticed.
So, I have a suggestion for you instead. Why don't get off your asses and actually be a part of the Liberal team.
Apparently at this point, you're too busy proving your analytically brilliance to have time to actually be loyal and work for the good of the progressive movement.
From what I can tell after reading your analysis, you're only about 2 steps away from saying Dion is too French. When you achieve that, I'm sure there will be a slot for you at the Blogging Tories.
liberal's sure know how to let dissenters speak their mind!
I actually want to apologize for the directness of my first comment. I have since read many more of your past posts and find your commentary on a number of issues intelligent and well reasoned. I appreciate that. As a decent progressive - or one in progress, I admit/hope - I have many times found frustration with decisions and statements made by various leaders or elected officials at many levels of government. For that reason, I believe that discourse - or sometimes rebellion - is vital. So I should have respected your right to state your peace. At this point, all I can say is I'm sorry for the personal, reflexive nature of my comment.
However, I stand by the fact that your post borders on indefensible. You basically are analyzing a leadership race that took place less than 3 months ago and "proclaimed" that the leader who will take us into the next election is a failure.
Your post was not presented as suggestions, beliefs, or advice - or even a rallying cry - it was presented as an announcement that the new leader had failed, along with copious musings about how anyone would have been a better choice for leader. In fact, the initial part of your post - after the glaring headline - read like the race was still in progress. In Sep 06, it might have even made sense. In Feb 07, it makes no sense whatsoever.
I stand by my own belief that if you feel you have something to add to the public forum for the advancemant of progressive objectives, then you also bear some responsibilty for working to ensure that parties or leaders willing to implement your beliefs are supported.
If you want to make political commentary, fine. Become a political commentator. But if you actually want to advance the causes you believe in, then I respectfully suggest you work on recognizing when is the right time to muse, analyze and plan and when is the right time to act.
The Liberals had a leadership convention in Dec. Now is the time to act to implement the beliefs advanced at that time and embodied by the leader who emerged. Make suggestions on the course of action or the priorities, certainly. But start by recognizing and supporting the leadership. It's called loyalty.
Did you edit this? "Fluidly" bilingual? How 'bout "fluently"? And "one instead of "won"
Well, it looks like the media is turning against him for this stupid Kyoto bill.
Since you are being brutally honest, I will too. I think that Bob Rae would have been a nightmare for the Tories. It was their worse-case scenario.
You guys blew it, sorry to say. Whew!
"prostitution, drugs, euthanasia, stem cell research"
What social good is achieved from prostitution?
What drugs are good?
What good is achieved with euthanasia?
Where are the stem cells coming from?
The majority of Canadians do not want to have anything to do with prostitution, drugs, or euthanasia.
They care about how they are going to take care of their own and if they will have a job tomorrow.
If you think otherwise it suggests that the LPC has been taken over by the kook fringe.
“From what I can tell after reading your analysis, you're only about 2 steps away from saying Dion is too French.”
This is a ridiculous accusation. I said he was has a strong accent. This is undeniable. His English is also labored; he makes numerous errors and is nowhere near as engaging as he is in French. Chantal Herbert made these same points. I suppose she too was a step away from saying that Dion was “too French.”
>>>> Your post was not presented as suggestions, beliefs, or advice - or even a rallying cry - it was presented as an announcement that the new leader had failed, along with copious musings about how anyone would have been a better choice for leader.
Anyone? I mentioned two people. Stick to the text and I do not think Ignatieff would make a better leader than Dion. Rae is different matter.
>>>> In fact, the initial part of your post - after the glaring headline - read like the race was still in progress.
I was lamenting how things of turned out.
>>>> Fluidly" bilingual? How 'bout "fluently"? And "one instead of "won"
Fixed. Happy?
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