The Liberals need to recognize some hard truths.
1)Most of what the Liberals say does not interest the media in the slightest. This goes for large issues as well as small. Just because something is important does not render it “newsworthy.” The media do not care about the Liberal income trust plan. They do not care about the Kelowna accord. They do not care about the Liberal record. They do not care when Dion's blathers on about "social justice". ....
2)As far as the English media is concerned, Dion’s grammar and accent do not make for great TV. Focus his energies on Quebec and in the rest of country use others, in particular Bob Rae.
3)Trying to use the media as vehicle for getting your message out is like trying to pass a message to someone across a large room by having a series of people whisper in the ear of the person next to them. What message is eventually received is seldom the same as the message given.
4)For the vast majority of Canadians, what Liberal “messaging” they come across comes from the media.
5)The media is by far the most important focus group.
6)The media love hot button issues. No Liberal bill under Paul Martin garnered anywhere near the amount of press as the SSM bill.
7)Media love of hot button issues ensures that these issues define political parties. SSM is again a good case in point.
8)If an issue takes off, sit back. Pundits, academics and indeed bloggers are far better positioned to champion a particular policy than a political party. Like any good therapist direct the discussion and do not become part of it.
9)The Canadian media are a conservative bunch, but are not socially conservative.
10)Promise to legalize marijuana, euthanasia and in the firestorm that is sure to follow the Canadian media will brand the Conservative party in ways that will hurt the Conservatives at the polls. Although extremely conservative in outlook, Macleans, the National Post, the Fraser Institute and even a large chunk of the Sun media pundits back legalization of marijuana. A plan to legalize euthanasia will be equally well received.
2)As far as the English media is concerned, Dion’s grammar and accent do not make for great TV. Focus his energies on Quebec and in the rest of country use others, in particular Bob Rae.
that is the stupidest thing i have heard! enough with the bullshit talking point that dion is incomprehensible in english; he speaks quite well, far better than chretien.
Do you have a problem with basic logic? How did the following become Dion's english is incomprehensible.
"As far as the English media is concerned, Dion’s grammar and accent do not make for great TV."
Dion's accent is strong and he makes quite a few grammatical mistakes. This means he does not have a good TV persence. Only a dip shit would denny this.
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