Friday, October 12, 2007

Conservatives at 40 Liberals at 28.

According to Don Martin a new poll due out tomorrow will show the Conservatives at 40% Liberals at 28. What this means is that Dion would be crazy to vote against the throne speech next week and yet further proof that the Liberals have to move beyond the same old same old and propose bold new policy.


Anonymous said...

Bold new policy like that legalize marijuana thing?

Har har har....

Man, is it gonna suck for you guys when the NDP forms the official opposition.

Have a nice weekend!

Koby said...

NDP official opposition? I see someone is in favor of legalizing pot.

Anonymous said...

Truly, I do think pot should be legal, but as a policy plank? I think not.

Koby said...

55% of Canadians support legalization and that is without it ever being championed by a major party. That is legalization and not decriminalization. It also good policy. What is not to like?

Anonymous said...

Deep Corporate Tax Cuts is bold and new, and outflanks the Tories. But you didn't like that.

Bet there's a lot more voted in that than Legalizing Marajuanaiathing

Koby said...

From 2000 to 2005 the Liberals cut corporate taxes by 9%. This is nothing new. It is just more same old same old. As for “deep” corporate tax cuts being more popular than legalizing pot, you have got to be kidding me. There is no way support for deep corporate tax cuts is above 55. There is reason why Layton continuing harped on this issue. He was not just playing to his base either; it has resonated with the public generally. That said, maybe it is not such a bad thing then that the proposed tax cuts were virtually ignored by the media.

Koby said...

check that 21% and not 19.

Koby said...

I will say one thing about the Liberals they sounding much more intelligent. Dion all but short circuited Layton's most likely line of attack.

"Some will say that a cut in corporate taxes is a right wing policy. I’m sure my friend Jack Layton will say this. But to believe this is to believe that Sweden, with its low corporate tax rate, is the hot bed of neo-conservatism while the United States, with its very high corporate tax rate, is a socialist paradise – or to quote Stephen Harper when he described Canada – “a second tier socialistic country”. A low corporate tax rate is not a right wing policy or a left wing policy. It is a sound policy."

Anonymous said...

"Some will say that a cut in corporate taxes is a right wing policy. I’m sure my friend Jack Layton will say this. But to believe this is to believe that Sweden, with its low corporate tax rate, is the hot bed of neo-conservatism while the United States, with its very high corporate tax rate, is a socialist paradise – or to quote Stephen Harper when he described Canada – “a second tier socialistic country”. A low corporate tax rate is not a right wing policy or a left wing policy. It is a sound policy."

That is an awesome quote. Good find Koby