Thursday, April 21, 2011

Liberals could be finished as a party: Big Conservative Majority looks likely

It looks like I will again be updating my seat projections.

Liberal support is going right and going left. The Liberals look like they could be finished as a political party. As things break down now, East of Toronto the party will be lucky to win a seat.


Anonymous said...

Relax. Wasn't CPC leading BQ in 2008 before the cuts to arts ?

Anonymous said...

Well, the NDP can't any cuts to anything, so yes, relax Libs....relax.

The death spiral isn't as painfull as it sounds.


Kirbycairo said...

The ekos seat projection is actually still predicting an increase of seats for the Liberals and the NDP so I wouldn't depend on a Harper Majority yet. But if a Harper majority does come about maybe the Liberals can find grow some balls and actually formulate some genuinely alternative policies. In particular maybe they will finally stand up for the kind of political reforms that would make a government like Harper's impossible. But up till now the Liberals look as though they were simply hoping to gain power so that they can abuse it the way they have in the past and the way that Harper has been doing for years now. Though I am not a Liberal, I have long believed that if the Liberals took the bull by the horns, so to speak, and actually committed itself to strong meaningful policies, then the Conservatives wouldn't stand a chance. This election is just confirming that the Liberals need to do something more meaningful and significant. The sad thing will be if they lose and, like the last election, just blame others instead of looking for a genuine rejuvenation. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that while Liberals are depressed by the news they are not entirely surprised. Its like we always knew that ultimately ... eventually ... this is where Ignatieff would lead us. We kinda hoped otherwise, but deep in our gut we just knew that his positions on Iraq, the oil sands, torture, Quebec nation status, etc. etc. etc. were just the wrong path. What's worse, we know that this isn't the worst yet. As bad as others see the results right now our gut is telling us, just wait ... there's more to come.

Anonymous said...

I remember Broadbent saying that the Liberal party was dead in the 80's. There were no provincial Liberal governements at the time and the Mulroney had just scored a massive majority.

But Broadbent couldn't have been more wrong.

Anonymous said...

One poll shows the Libs and NDP have 8 seats more together than the cons. Could there me a merger over the weekend? Yes, that is rhetorical

Anonymous said...

One poll shows the Libs and NDP have 8 seats more together than the cons. Could there me a merger over the weekend? Yes, I know they can't

Tomm said...

If the Liberal Party has 4 years in the wilderness, that is 4 years to figure out what it stands for. If it survives the other side, it will be a different party. Perhaps it will be one that has set of policies that wear well.

Koby said...

This is not 1958 and this not 1984. Those came after long periods in government.

The party is virtually bankrupt. It has no presence West of Toronto and no presence in Quebec outside of the Island of Montreal.
The party could be finished.

Tomm said...

Harper will do everything in his power to drive a stake through its heart.